08.00 - 18.00 Registration


08. 30 – 08.45 Welcome to NefroCarDia – Official opening


Onco – Nephrology session

08.45 – 10.30 Session I Chair: Andreea Andronesi


08.45 - 09.10  Further on Onco-Nephrology - Do We Need a Nephrologist to Optimize the Oncologic Patient's Outcome? -  Oana Schiller, Timișoara (Ro)


09.10 - 9.35 Sequencing of treatment lines in metastatic renal cancer (clear cell) - Sorin Săftescu, Timișoara (Ro)


09.35 - 09.55 Diagnosis of renal tumors - urological approach - Răzvan Bardan, Timișoara (Ro)


09.55 - 10.20 Acute kidney injury in acute leukemia - the role of renal biopsy - Andreea Andronesi, Bucharest (Ro)


10-20 - 10.30 Discussions


10.30 - 11.00 Coffee break


11.00 - 13.00 Session II Chair: Flaviu Bob


11.00 - 11.25 Individualized nutrition in cancer patients with multiple comorbidities – Ioana Haș, Oradea (Ro)


11.25 - 11.50 Difficulties in the management of a case of bronchopulmonary neoplasm complicated with psoriatic arthropathy - from oncologist to rheumatologist - case presentation - Elena Sîrbu, Mihaela Pașca-Feneșan - Timișoara (Ro)


11.50 - 12.15 Use of contrast agents in the imaging diagnosis of tumors – indications, contraindications and pharmacovigilance - Diana Manolescu, Amalia Constantinescu, Timișoara (Ro)


12.15 - 12.30 Severe hypokalemia - a paraneoplasic (almost renal) case - Andreea Gostian, Timișoara (Ro)


12.30 - 12.45 One resilient kidney in a case of infectious and oncological medical storm - Laura-Maria Caian, Timișoara (Ro)


12.45 - 12.55 Discussions



13.00 - 14.00 Lunch break


14.00 - 16.15 Session I Chairs: Romulus Timar, Flaviu Bob


14.00 - 14.30 The cardio renal liver metabolic syndrome: the need for a multidisciplinary approach

 - Adina Braha, Laura Gaiță, Romulus Timar, Timișoara (Ro)


14.30 - 14.55 Do we need tubular biomarkers in CKD? - Flaviu Bob, Timișoara (Ro)


14.55 - 15.20 Kidney damage, obesity and insulin resistance - interrelationships and therapeutic perspectives - Delia Reurean-Pintilei, Iași (Ro)


15.20 - 15.45 Cardiovascular and metabolic complications after transplantation - Austin Chukwu Chukwuma, Liverpool (UK)


15.45 - 16.10 Prediabetes - the first step in prevention - Anca Pantea-Stoian, Bucharest (Ro)


16.10 - 16.15 Discussions


16.15 – 16.45 Coffee break


16.45 – 18.40 Session II Chairs: Ina Kacso, Bogdan Timar


16.45 - 17.10 The future in the treatment of diabetes - Bogdan Timar, Timișoara (Ro)


17.10 – 17.35 Anticoagulation in atrial fibrillation in dialysis patients - Ina Kacso, Timișoara (Ro)


17.40 - 18.40 Astra-Zeneca Symposium 

Dapagliflozin - the foundation of protective treatment in CardioRenoMetabolic disorders

Renal Impairment - Major Impact on the Evolution of CardioRenoMetabolic Disorders, Adalbert Schiller, Timișoara (Ro)

Dapa - therapeutic intervention for survival in heart failure, Daniel Lighezan, Timișoara (Ro)

Benefits of Dapa from prevention to improved survival of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and CardioRenal involvement, Romulus Timar, Timișoara (Ro)


18.40 - 19.40 Servier Symposium

Hypertension and dyslipidemia – risk factors in the cardiovascular continuum

Flaviu Bob, Timișoara

Milena Slovenski, Timișoara

Bogdan Timar, Timișoara


19.40 – 20.00 Sanofi Symposium

Early diagnosis, basis of therapeutic results in Fabry diseaseAdina Ionac, Timișoara


20.30 Dinner



08.15 - 10.20 Session I Chairs: Liliana Tuță, Natalia Pătrașcu


08.15 - 08.40 Visceral adiposity, between the obesity paradox and normal weight paradigm, in CKD patients - Liliana-Ana Tuță, Alina-Mihaela Stăniguț, Camelia Pană


08.40 – 09.05 Metabolic syndrome, fertility and pregnancy. Cardiologist's perspective - Natalia Pătrașcu, Bucharest (Ro)


09.05 – 09.30 Acute kidney injury in pregnancy - Adalbert Schiller, Timișoara (Ro)


09.30 – 09.50 The evolution of obstetric management from “third trimester disgravidia' to “hypertensive disorders associated with pregnancy” – Manuela Neagu, Bucharest (Ro)


09.50 - 10.10 Neonatal composite outcome after maternal renal injury - Flavia Chișavu, Timișoara (Ro)


10.10 - 10.20 Discussions


10.20 - 10.50 Coffee break


10.50 – 12.40 Session II Chairs: Adrian Covic, Adalbert Schiller


10.50 - 11.15 Updates 2024 in the treatment of chronic kidney disease–mineral and bone disorder (CKD-MBD) - Adrian Covic, Iași (Ro)


11.15 – 11.40 Resistant hypertension and challenges with advancing chronic kidney disease - Rajkumar Chinnadurai, Manchester (UK)


11.40 - 12.05 What does early treatment mean in chronic kidney disease? - Adalbert Schiller, Timișoara (Ro)


12.05 - 12.30 The kidney - is it a victim or a target in the HFrEF 4 pillars treatment - Adelina Mihăescu, Timișoara (Ro)


12.30 – 12.40 - Discussions


12.40 - 13.10 BBraun Symposium

Truth or dare in kidney disease, Oana Schiller, Timișoara (Ro)


13.10 - 14.00  Lunch break


14.00 - 14.45 Boehringer Symposium

The Empower Program - the kidney in the spotlight

Chair: Adalbert Schiller, Timișoara (Ro)

Adrian Covic, Iași (Ro), Ina Kacso, Cluj-Napoca (Ro)


14.45 – 16.00 Session III Chairs: Ovidiu Bedreag, Oana Schiller


14.45 – 15.10 When do we initiate and how do we choose renal replacement therapy in intensive care? - Ovidiu Bedreag, Timișoara (Ro)


15.10 – 15.35 Rare causes of acute kidney injury in intensive care – can we rely on biomarkers?! - Oana Schiller, Timișoara


15.35 – 15.55 Decongestive therapy in cardiac failure - Roxana Buzaş, Timisoara


15.55 – 16.00 Discussions


16.00 - 16.30 Sanofi Symposium


Challenges in the diagnosis and treatment of Fabry disease, Ligia Petrica, Timișoara


16.30 - 17.00 Coffee break


17.00 - 19.50  Session IV Chairs: Adalbert Schiller, Ionuț Nistor


17.00 - 17.25 Glomerulonephritis and recurrent glomerulonephritis in our transplant population - Austin Chuckwuma, Liverpool (UK)


17.25 - 17.50 Therapeutic particularities in dialysis patients with cardiovascular pathology - Viviana Ivan, Timișoara


17.50 - 18.15 Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist use in chronic kidney disease with type 2 diabetes - Ionuț Nistor, Iași (Ro)


18.15 – 18.40 Protein-restricted diets supplemented with Ketoanalogues in Chronic Kidney Disease - myth or reality?! - Liliana Gârneață, Bucharest (Ro)


18.40 – 19.05 Drug-induced neurotoxicity in chronic kidney disease patients - Flori Gădălean, Timișoara (Ro) 


19.05 – 19.20 Indications for renal biopsy in diabetic kidney disease – insights from a case report - Felix Mărălescu, Timișoara (Ro)


19.20 - 19.40 Pacemaker carrier for complete heart block in a patient on permanent catheter dialysis Carina Bogdan, Oana Sandu, Adrian Apostol, Timișoara (Ro)


19.40 - 19.50 Discussions


20.30  Dinner




08.30 - 10.35 Session I Chairs: Ligia Petrica, Gener Ismail


08.30 - 08.55  SGLT2i beyond metabolic, cardio-, and renal protection. Neuroprotection - a new challenge - Ligia Petrica, Timișoara (Ro)


08.55 - 09.20  - From pathogenesis to therapeutic approach in proliferative lupus nephritis: the role of B lymphocyte and complement system - Gener Ismail, București (Ro)


09.20 - 09.45 Long term outcomes in a large single centre transplant cohort : viral infections, graft loss and survival - Philip Kalra, Manchester (UK)


09.45 - 10.10 Polycystic ovary syndrome - a cardiometabolic paradox? - Dana Stoian, Andreea Bena, Luciana Moisa Luca, Timișoara (Ro)


10.10 - 10.30 Rare systemic complications of  vascular access in dialysis - Iulia Grosu, Timișoara (Ro)


10.30 - 10.35 Discussions


10.35 - 11.05 Stada Symposium

Targeted treatment in IgA nephropathy – Kinpeygo works when and where it matters

Adalbert Schiller, Timișoara

Gener Ismail, București


11.05 - 11.30 Coffee break


11.30 - 12.15 Boehringer Symposium

An arc over time: 10 years of Empagliflozin benefits

Chair: Gener Ismail, București (Ro)

Romulus Timar, Timișoara (Ro)

Viviana Ivan, Timișoara (Ro)

Adelina Mihăescu, Timișoara (Ro)


12.15 - 13.40 Session II Chairs: Liana Gheorghe, Roxana Șirli


12.15 - 12.40  Integrated approach to the patient with MASLD- Liana Gheorghe, Bucharest (Ro)


12.40 - 13.05 Non-invasive evaluation of liver damage in metabolic syndrome - Roxana Șirli, Timișoara (Ro)


13.05 - 13.25 Impact of MASLD on renal function: exploring the link with Chronic Kidney Disease - Luciana Marc, Timișoara (Ro)


13.25 - 13.35 Discussions


13.35 - 14.30 Lunch break


14.30 - 14.50 CSL Vifor Symposium

Management of hyperphosphatemia: advances and challenges in Sucroferric Oxyhydroxide Treatment in Dialysis Patients, Ramona Stroescu, Timișoara       


14.50 - 17.30 Session III Chairs: Adalbert Schiller, Philip Kalra


14.50 - 15.10 Optimal management of severe cardio-renal failure : an interactive case-based discussionPhilip Kalra, Manchester (UK)


15.10 - 16.25 Case presentations


15.10 – 15.25 Between the treatment of hyperkalemia and the insertion of a pacemaker – how we choose?! - Alexandru Pescariu, Timișoara (Ro)


15.25 – 15. 40 Percutaneous revascularization for bilateral renal artery disease in a patient with severe renovascular hypertension - Vladiana Romina Turi, Timișoara (Ro)


15.40 – 15.55 Cardio-renal impairment in systemic amyloidosis – from diagnosis to management - Mihaela Pătruica, Timișoara (Ro)


15.55 – 16.10 Rhabdomyolysis and acute kidney injury – the importance of early diagnosis - Iulia Oprea, Timișoara (Ro)


16.10 – 16.25 Cardio-renal syndrome, a cardiologist's perspective: what do we protect first, the heart or the kidneys? - Vlad Meche, Timisoara (Ro)


16.25 - 16.50  Artificial Intelligence in Cardio-Renal-Metabolic research: progress and potential - Benjamin James, Manchester (UK)


16.50 - 17.15 Acidosis in chronic kidney disease – a neglected risk factor?! - Lazăr Chișavu, Timișoara


17.15 - 17.30 Do we need interdisciplinary communication?! – what messages do we take home from NefroCarDia 2024?! - Adalbert Schiller, Oana Schiller, Timișoara (Ro)


17.30 Closing remarks

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